
By participating in our free professional development workshops educators can explore practical and fun road safety learning experiences and safe travel ideas to engage children and families.

By regularly including road safety teaching and learning opportunities for children, early childhood educators can meet some of the requirements of the National Quality Framework, especially around supervision, risk assessment, excursions, transporting children and supporting children’s road safety learning. They can also support many of the principles, practices and learning outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework, including enriching children’s learning, implementing play-based learning experiences, actively involving families and keeping up to date with legislation.


Explore new ways we can share Key Road Safety Messages with children through creative learning experiences and documentation. Find out ways to keep all our children safe when they are out and about as passengers, pedestrians and at play.

Discover how educators can use everyday interactions with children as valuable road safety intentional teaching opportunities. Investigate ways of documenting and assessing children’s involvement in road safety learning to effectively program across the early childhood curriculum. Be inspired by new ideas and strategies for working with young children, their families and communities to help promote safe travel practices.

Discuss how road safety can support children’s early language and literacy. Identify Key Road Safety Messages for children and adults. Discover ways to help families foster their children’s early language and literacy through road safety education. Experience fun and practical ways to bring language, literacy and road safety education together for children and their families. Explore ways of using the Kids and Traffic resources.

Investigate ways to support children’s understanding of early numeracy concepts through interactive road safety education games. Share and develop collaborative learning experiences to support children’s mathematical thinking in everyday travel situations. Explore strategies for documenting children’s road safety understanding through a variety of methods such as data collection and graphing. Discuss ways of linking the EYLF to programming and planning for early numeracy and road safety education.

Beat, rhythm and rhyme! Explore creative musical ideas in this highly practical and interactive workshop. Join in dynamic music and movement experiences that enable you to share key road safety messages with children and families.

Explore Technology as another tool for children to use during road safety learning experiences when creating, drawing, composing, designing and experimenting. Discover new ways of using technology with children to investigate, problem-solve and access information, images, videos and music related to road safety. Find new ways of sharing documentation and key road safety information with families electronically.

Collect, design, construct and create! 

Bring road safety education to life by exploring ways to make new and creative resources. Link environmentally responsible practice with your ongoing road safety programming. 

Find ways to help children and their families make a safe and successful transition to school through interesting and meaningful road safety learning experiences. Discover how your service can include road safety education to enhance your transition to school program and policy.

Completing the workshop, Out and About: Safe Journeys with Kids, will contribute 2 hours of NESA Registered PD addressing 3.7.2, 4.4.2 and 6.2.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.